
Welcome to Selby District Mental Health Forum

Created in 2018 with initial funding from Selby District Council and Selby Big Local, Selby District Mental Health Forum aims to give a voi...

In a Crisis?

Call 0333 0000 309 to access the out-of-hours mental health line which is a confidential and anonymous service available to anyone registered with a North Yorkshire GP.

The helpline operates Monday to Thursday 5:00pm to 8:30am, Friday from 4:30pm and 24 hours on weekends and Bank Holidays and provides a listening ear, emotional support, signposting and referral into other services for individuals and the carers of people experiencing mental health distress.

The number is free from mobile phones.

Contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or email them through their web site.

If you have a current care plan, consider contacting the local Crisis Team.

If it is an emergency ring 999. Go to Accident and Emergency.

Check out the Mind website.

If it is not an emergency you could ring NHS on 111.

Ring your GP and ask for an emergency appointment.

Mental Health Support Lines:

·       CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): Contact no. 0800 585858. Nationwide charity dedicated to assisting men who’re down or who have ‘hit a wall’. Webchat is available via their website athttps://www.thecalmzone.net/. Helpline open 5pm to midnight, Monday to Sunday.
       North Yorkshire Mental Health Helpline: Contact no.0333 0000 309. Provides advice and support regarding any mental health issue. This service is open to anyone registered with a North Yorkshire GP, and operates Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8.30pm, Friday from 4.30pm and 24-hours at weekends, including Bank Holidays.
       Papyrus: Contact no. 0800 0684141. An organisation dedicated to helping young people who feel life is not worth living or are worried about thoughts of suicide. Their Hopeline offers non-judgemental support, practical advice and information to anyone up to the age of 35 who are worried about how they are feeling, or to anyone concerned about a young person. They also provide support via text on 07786 209697, and via e-mail at pat@papyrus-uk.org. Helpline open Monday-Friday 10am to 10pm, 2pm to 10pm weekends and bank holidays.
       Saneline: Contact no. 0300 304 7000. Help, information and emotional support for those affected by mental health illness, including friends, family and carers; they also offer a text-based service on request. Open from 4.30pm to 10.30pm daily.
       Silver Line: Contact no. 0800 4708090. 24-hour, confidential, free advice and support line for people aged 55 and over; they also provide dedicated, long-term 1:1 work through their Telephone Friends and Silver Letters services for people struggling with isolation or loneliness. For more information, please see their website at https://www.thesilverline.org.uk/.